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hotspot tool won't work
Posted 05 Nov 2001 21:29:01
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05 Nov 2001 21:29:01 Dawn Maestas posted:
OK, I've searched Google and found someone with the same problem I have. But no one had a real solution for it. So I'll throw it out there again.... <img src=../images/dmxzone/forum/icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle>I'm using DW4 and a template page. I try to place a hotspot on an image within the editable region, but DW won't let me. This is as far as I get:
a.. I first select the image.
b.. Then in the Map Name field, I type a name for the image map.
c.. Then I select the rectangle tool and drag the pointer over the image to create a hotspot.
This is as far as I get and the computer then beeps at me. I have
tried the circle, square, and other thing but the computer just keeps
beeping at me. Any solutions?
Dawn Maestas
OS: Win2000
Server: IIS, Win NT
UD: 4.0
Code: ASP
DB: Access 2000
Replied 19 Nov 2001 02:22:20
19 Nov 2001 02:22:20 Anton Hughes replied:
I have this problem before. If you hold down the shift key this may help. Otherwise check the tech notes on the Macromedia website - there is definitly something there on the problem.