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CDOMail Extension Add on Request

Posted 31 Aug 2001 02:44:56
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31 Aug 2001 02:44:56 Craig Foster posted:
The CDO Extention is great but I have a difficult time using it for mass mailing, i.e. gathering email addresses from a database and grouping them into a comma delimited variable to place in the CDO mail To:

I am no extension developer by any means but is seems that this shouldn't be a difficult extension to make.

Craig Foster


Replied 06 Sep 2001 01:56:20
06 Sep 2001 01:56:20 Waldo Smeets replied:
We are currently developing a server behavior that might be able to do this.
However it is an extension on it's own.... we did not make the CDO mail extension.

PS: when you have the asp code I can turn it into an extension for you.

Waldo Smeets - Webmaster
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Replied 06 Sep 2001 02:17:35
06 Sep 2001 02:17:35 Craig Foster replied:
The code I am using now is a hack of the DW/UD standard repeat region.

After the recordset object and before the CDO mail object.

I set the first instance of the DevEmail variable to an actual email address (my own in my case) so the comma would only be added between addresses.

Dim Repeat1__numRows
Repeat1__numRows = -1
Dim Repeat1__index
Repeat1__index = 0
rsDev_numRows = rsDev_numRows + Repeat1__numRows
Dim DevEmail
DevEmail = " "
While ((Repeat1__numRows &lt;&gt; 0) AND (NOT rsDev.EOF))
DevEmail = DevEmail & "," & (rsDev.Fields.Item("DSEmail".Value)

It would be great to have a behavior that prompted for the table and field names to farm the addresses from etc., then put the loop and CDO mail code in appropriatly.

Craig Foster

Bringing Designers and Employers together.
Replied 06 Sep 2001 03:14:19
06 Sep 2001 03:14:19 Waldo Smeets replied:
Can you please also send me the CDO code as I do not know it? I will try to make something this week. When I forget it (happens more frequent these days as I am very busy) do not hesitate to send me an email with this code.

Waldo Smeets - Webmaster
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