DMXzone Lightbox Support Product Page

problem: Lightbox and supersized images have quit working when I updated my website. Under investigation
Posted by Garnetta Sullivan, got 1 reply, last reply was 16 Dec 2013 11:01:48 by Teodor Kuduschiev
problem: Helle DMX,Lightbox problem in the newest update from Firefox 25.0.1 Not a problem
Posted by Dick Medema, got 6 replies, last reply was 03 Dec 2013 14:11:12 by Dick Medema
problem: Lightbox does not display content in the correct place Solved
Posted by andre le tissier, got 2 replies, last reply was 02 Dec 2013 16:27:13 by andre le tissier
question: I want to customise the close button. Where do I find it? Answered
Posted by Phil Boyle, got 2 replies, last reply was 28 Nov 2013 20:25:48 by Phil Boyle
question: Adobe Upgrade CC "valid signature" error message
Posted by Kevin Hibbs, got 6 replies, last reply was 25 Nov 2013 18:34:24 by Kevin Hibbs
question: explorer 11
Posted by Jacques H 19 Nov 2013 16:35:54
problem: having a problem
Posted by Tai Phat Nguyen, got 1 reply, last reply was 29 Oct 2013 07:23:41 by Teodor Kuduschiev
problem: Registration of Purchase Error In progress
Posted by Steve Etner, got 1 reply, last reply was 23 Oct 2013 09:12:10 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: Jquery conflict between lightbox and superfish
Posted by Phil Boyle, got 1 reply, last reply was 09 Oct 2013 09:26:34 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: Crashing in CC
Posted by Rick Drew, got 2 replies, last reply was 28 Sep 2013 07:47:06 by Teodor Kuduschiev
problem: Lightbox crashes Dreamweaver before I can complete a gallery In progress
Posted by Warren Harris, got 4 replies, last reply was 26 Aug 2013 10:48:26 by Warren Harris
question: ipad - light box expanding, not stating with specified size
Posted by Rick Drew, got 1 reply, last reply was 26 Aug 2013 08:34:08 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: Bad value dmxLightbox Answered
Posted by Carlos Zaragoza, got 6 replies, last reply was 22 Aug 2013 08:17:30 by Teodor Kuduschiev
problem: I am getting a undefined property JavaScript Error In progress
Posted by Gordon Burleigh, got 1 reply, last reply was 12 Aug 2013 09:12:23 by Miroslav Zografski
problem: Lightbox version 1.0.14 does not appear to work properly on Mac OSX 10.8.4
Posted by Cain Goettelman, got 2 replies, last reply was 09 Aug 2013 15:53:57 by Cain Goettelman
problem: lightbox error Under investigation
Posted by Carlos Zaragoza, got 4 replies, last reply was 09 Aug 2013 09:05:01 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: Don't fit into browser window Answered
Posted by barbara windner, got 1 reply, last reply was 05 Aug 2013 15:35:52 by Teodor Kuduschiev
problem: Lightbox not working properly since CC upgrade Solved
Posted by John Moseley, got 2 replies, last reply was 17 Jul 2013 10:58:47 by John Moseley
question: Can I specify a target Answered
Posted by Rick Drew, got 1 reply, last reply was 24 Jul 2013 08:54:37 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: Lightbox position in Dreamweaver Fluid Layout - open in top center of page Answered
Posted by Rick Drew, got 1 reply, last reply was 22 Jul 2013 09:02:11 by Teodor Kuduschiev
question: Lightbox trouble in DW CC
Posted by Bruce Symons, got 10 replies, last reply was 27 Jul 2013 02:55:40 by Bruce Symons
question: Login form to stay in Lightbox until successful submission
Posted by David Woolley, got 1 reply, last reply was 22 Jul 2013 10:23:37 by David Woolley
question: excanvas-compressed.js
Posted by Ha ha, got 1 reply, last reply was 19 Jul 2013 09:20:38 by Teodor Kuduschiev
problem: problem using bootstrap and lightbox In progress
Posted by thomas strmiska, got 9 replies, last reply was 30 Jul 2013 14:58:49 by Miroslav Zografski