Poll biased...

February 6, 2005 by Stéphane Bergeron
This poll is biased in that it doesn't specify a Photoshop/Imageready version but lists two different versions of Fireworks, thus splitting the FW vote. The total number of FW users in that poll is greater than PS/IR users but it "looks" like PS is winning out.

RE: Poll biased...

February 6, 2005 by Chris Charlton

Yes & No. :) Reason being Photshop/ImageReady haven't had huge strides in feature additions and we have handfuls of articles for PS/IR in our Premium Content/Tutorial sections.

Since there's a lot of difference from Studio MX to Studio MX2004, its good to know whose got what.

You, and all DMXzone members, have always been more than welcomed to post a poll. :)


February 25, 2005 by Tom Fox
I voted other. I prefer Fireworks 4. I DON'T buy into the Macromedia idea that I need the MX this that or the other.


January 6, 2010 by John Moran

I voted other. I use Fireworks 4 or 8.