DMXzone Google Maps 2 Manual Support

Empower full featured Google Maps in Dreamweaver

Unleash the power of Google Maps in just a few clicks. Add markers to cities, addresses, businesses and events with info balloons on interactive, annotated maps and integrate them in your websites! Choose addresses and Geo locations from any feed but also from HTML5 Data Bindings data source and DMXzone Database Connector PHP/ASP.

Let your visitors browse a dynamic or static map and find what they are looking for as quickly as possible. Enable dynamic tracking and positioning with HTML5 Geo Location so that you can dynamically adjust the center point of the map on which the viewport will be centered.

Change marker images, show rich tooltips, pan to location and tons of other actions, using DMXzone Google Maps 2 control behaviors. These are just a few of the amazing features that you'll find in this Dreamweaver tool.

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Full Featured Google Maps

Experience a fully functional map on your site

Dynamic addresses and Geo locations

Great integration with Bindings and Connector

Interactive and annotated maps

Add markers and info for any location

Fully customizable maps

Rich tooltips, pan to location and more


Different map types

Choose between roadmap, satellite, hybrid (labels) or terrain for your default opening maps.

Real time data updates for static markers

Even if you choose to use static markers list, bind some of the markers properties to HTML5 Data Bindings. When these properties change the marker gets automatically updated!

Full support for the latest Google Maps API V3

It loads super fast, especially on mobile browsers such as Android-based devices and the iPhone.

Multiple markers with custom icons

Place as many markers as you need on your website and also use custom designed icons.

Static Maps

Embed a fast and simple Google Maps image in your web page or mobile site without requiring JavaScript or any dynamic page loading. Just enter as many markers for the addresses as you wish to display.

Dynamic Maps

Add markers to your Google Maps dynamically! Choose your addresses or Geo locations from any recordset or other data sources such as HTML5 Data Bindings and HTML5 Geo Location.

Special iOS support for touch and zoom

Whit the latest API V3 the DMXzone Google Maps 2 is especially designed for mobile devices as well as for desktop browsers.


Full Feature List

Google Maps 2 Reference

More detailed overview of the features in DMXzone Google Maps 2


Type: Behavior
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver CS5/CS5.5 and CS6, Dreamweaver CC+
Used Technologies: jQuery, CSS
Screen Shot: External link


Version 2.3.0

  • Full compatibility with the new Dreamweaver CC 2017 dark theme
  • Improved compatibility with HTML5 Data Bindings and static location coordinates
  • Improved Google API keyhandling on page open when files are updated

Version 2.2.0

  • Included support for Google API Key as it is required for authorized Google Maps usage

Version 2.0.2

  • Improved Dreamweaver CC 2015 compatibility 

Version 2.0.1

  • Full support for dynamic markers with icons with HTML5 Data Bindings!
  • Improved compatibility with the old deprecated server behaviors and data bindings
  • Improved UI validation checks, specially for entering the Repeating Element first when using HTML5 Data Bindings
  • Improved and restyled UI layout


George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

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