DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Manual Support

Next generation perfect site layout in a few minutes

DMXzone Bootstrap 3 is the next generation Dreamweaver extension based on the newest Twitter Bootstrap. Supplied with four grid systems, it's responsive by default and makes it easy to create great-looking web pages and web apps, which are automatically compatible with various devices.

Full support for Bootstrap 3 mobile first design and the dedicated floater gives you a quick access to all the options you need. Additionally, there's an integrated converter that transforms Bootstrap 2 based pages to Bootstrap 3 in seconds.

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Mobile First Design From Scratch

Design for mobile devices first and then for larger screens.

Аdvanced Grid Layouts & Nested Columns

Intuitively add as many rows as you wish within a column.

Responsive Design In No Time

Your design looks great on any screen size and device.

Twitter Bootstrap 12-column Responsive Grid

Fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 12 columns.


Full support for the Bootstrap 3 mobile first design

Due to the major changes in the Grid, Bootstrap 3 targets smaller devices first and then expands components and grids (cascades up) for larger screens. When you declare a specific grid size, that is the grid for that size and above.

Fully responsive layout within Dreamweaver

When designing your layout you can follow the work in progress for mobile and desktop browsers directly in Dreamweaver by selecting the desired size for mobile phones, tablets, desktop and large desktop.

Great design view integration

The DMXzone Bootstrap 3 allows you to add/delete cells, rows and containers as well as merge cells, duplicate and spread them in just a mouse click time.

Supported devices

DMXzone Bootstrap supports different devices and screen resolutions.

DMXzone Bootstrap options command

You can choose how to include your bootstrap on your pages; normal, minified or even through CDN, so you can achieve the fastest performance for your website.



Full Feature List

DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Reference

More detailed overview of the features


Type: Behavior
License: External link
Product: Dreamweaver CS5.5, Dreamweaver CS6, Dreamweaver CC+
Used Technologies: CSS, Responsive
Screen Shot: External link
Tags: twitter, bootstrap 3, responsive, layour


Version 3.8.1

  • Added compatibility with the upcoming DMXzone Bootstrap 4 extension

Version 3.8.0

  • Full support for DMXzone App Connect for dynamic data bindings
  • Improved Dreamweaver CC 2017 dark theme

Version 3.7.0

  • Added support for the upcoming Dreamweaver dark theme
  • updated to the latest Bootstrap 3.3.7

Version 3.6.0

  • Added compatibility with the new Bootstrap 3 Dynamic Form Generator extension

Version 3.5.1

  • Full Support for the upcoming DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Components extension
  • Allow direct Bootstrap 3 row insert - handy for nesting rows in forms or modals
  • Improved compatibility with Dreamweaver CS6
  • Latest Bootstrap 3.3.6 included

Version 3.5.0

  • Improvements for Live View editing in Dreamweaver CC 2015
  • Improved recognizing Bootstrap in pages created without DMXzone Bootstrap 3
  • Great speed improvements when editing in live view
  • Compatibility with the new DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Forms Designer

Version 3.3.0

  • Included the latest Bootstrap 3.3.4
  • 62 new glyphicons included
  • Improved inspector floaters in Dreamweaver
  • Other minor bugs and improvements

Version 3.2.1

  • Improved Bootstrap Grid editing in Live View
  • Performance improvements in the latest Dreamweaver CC 2014.1

Version 3.2.0

  • Added support for the new responsive display modes for Bootstrap elements
  • Improved rendering in Dreamweaver Design Mode
  • Allow to add Bootstrap includes for new pages through the Bootstrap 3 Floating inspector
  • Included the latest Bootstrap 3.2.0
  • Improved UI

Version 3.1.3

  • Included the latest jQuery 1.11.1
  • Improved for Dreamweaver CC 2014
  • Improved for DMXzone Extension Manager

Version 3.1.2

Version 3.1.1

  • Support for the new Fluid Containers in Bootstrap 3
  • Full support for the new DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Navigation extension
  • Improved Bootstrap 3 CDN linking
  • Lowered extension requirements! Now it works in DW CS3+ but the rendering in Dreamweaver design view might not be optimal for versions under DW CS5.5 due to lack of media query support and modern browser rendering engine. Still, the extension is fully functional.

Version 3.1.0

  • Allow custom bootstrap builds with own paths to be used in the DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Options
  • Performance Speed gain in Dreamweaver design view rendering
  • Improved selection retaining after adding new grid rows
  • Improved UI for Dreamweaver on a Mac
  • Included the latest Bootstrap 3.1.1

Version 3.0.2

  • Full support for DMXzone Bootstrap 3 Elements
  • Included the latest Bootstrap 3.1.0
  • Full support for rendering the bootstrap glyphicons in Dreamweaver Design View
  • Improved pagination rendering in Design View
  • Great Rendering speed performance increased in Design View
  • fixed DW Mac bug causing crashes on load
  • Improved DW design view rendering of lists and form controls

Version 3.0.1

  • Greatly improved the speed of the page convert from Bootstrap 2 to 3
  • General speed improvement of the Dreamweaver integration
  • Improved Dreamweaver floating panel to be more responsive and retain focus of the current editing selection
  • Fixed some minor editing bugs

George Petrov

George PetrovGeorge Petrov is a renowned software writer and developer whose extensive skills brought numerous extensions, articles and knowledge to the DMXzone- the online community for professional Adobe Dreamweaver users. The most popular for its over high-quality Dreamweaver extensions and templates.

George is also the founder of - the most Advanced Web & App Builder

See All Postings From George Petrov >>


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