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Microsoft SQL Server


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using macromedia mx and asp

How does macromedia mx and asp work together Read More

how to do a roll over menu bar

How do you create a roll over menu bar? Basically so when someone rolls their mouse over linked text or an image a menu bar shows up on the right of the link with linked pages within it. Also how do you create it so that when you roll over the linked text/image a box comes up to the right, larger than the linked text/image, describing what is contained in that link? For example, the links 'APS legislative framework, etc' on this site Any help will be appreciated. Thankyou  Read More

Wheel Of Fortune Game In Flash

I need to program a game that works similar to Wheel of Fortune.  I am looking for tutorial that will help me set up the code to show that the correct letter has been picked and play a negative sound when the wrong letter is selected. Read More

Customized Paypal Shopping Cart

I'm designing a small online shop for people to purchase ebooks and software. I would likt to make it possible for people to add to their shopping carts and use paypal to pay for them. I can make it so that they can pay for one item at a time, but it would be nice for them to just add all the products they want into a shopping cart and let them pay at the end. Once they finished paying, I want to allow them to download the purchased ebooks and/or software from a secure page. Read More
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