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unsubscribe application

Posted 20 Dec 2006 22:20:48
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20 Dec 2006 22:20:48 Rebecca Heathcock posted:
I'm trying to build a basic unsubscribe application for a newsletter we send out. I use Gammadyne Mailer to send the newsletter, and I embed the email address of each recipient in the HTML body.

I want to have the user click on a link to unsubscribe which takes them to a confirmation page asking them if they are sure they want to unsubscribe. My goal is to have this page contain a recordset that has already retrieved the record from the database based on the email address from which you are responding, so that there is no way you can unsubscribe anyone but yourself.

In Dreamweaver I have successfully built a delete application but it requires the user to take the preliminary step of entering their email address in a form field, then a recordset retrieves the record from the database and sends them to the confirmation page upon submit of the form. Is there any way to make the record retrieval step transparent to the user so that I can get them right to the confirmation page with one click from the email newsletter?

Thanks a million for any help you can provide....


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