No javascript knowledge or hand coding is required to insert or modify the scrollers code or elements. The extensions do it all from inserting the scroller, making any changes, or removing it from the document completely. Just add your content to the scrolling layer(s) after inserting the scroller.
Only allows 1 scroller of its type per page, however 1 Vertical and 1 Horizontal scroller may occupy the same page.
In spite of the super lite code the scrollers are very powerful, and have several options from which to choose...
- Each scroller has the ability to scroll in 2 directions.
- Hard Reset is available for either direction sending the content layer to the beginning or the end.
- Smooth Reset returns the content layer to the default position by scrolling fast and smoothly.
- Paging allows for advancing the content layer the length of the scroller window one click at a time.
- Ticker option allows for the scroller to be applied onLoad and run continuously.
- Offsets are provided for each direction to begin or stop the content layer at a specified location.
- Multiple content Layers can be inserted into the scrollers from the interface.
- A special show/Hide function is inserted allowing to show the selected content layer.
- Text or image controls definable from the interface. ( Images included ).
- Stylesheet included ( optional ) for the scroller content text and active links .