pure php upload for Flash MX's xml.sendandload()
pure php upload for Flash MX's xml.sendandload() I am trying to build a form in Flash MX that would allow users to upload images to their directories within a site, and information about the image to a database. The preferred route to achieving this is through flash's xml.sendandload(); method. The only problem is that I have been unable to find any support, extensions or tutorials on how to convert $RAW_POST_FILES-provided xml to SAX-parsed variables to pure php upload compatable information. Trying to hot-wire it myself, I feel like that kid Data from The Goonies minus the confidence and pride in my work. I would love an version of pure php upload, or even a "hot-wiring for dummies" help file extension (or, heavean forbid, a matching tutorial) that would allow me to upload files without having to rely on an html form and a .js file that I ultimately can't use. Thanks.
idd this woudl be great
idd, flash mx 2004 components that would offer about the same funtionality as the php upload extension for DWMX would be great!
Componetens that create the server side php code and the swf actionscript all in one.
That would be a GREAT! I would buy it.
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